Table of Contents:
In order to pass The Verification Team’s checks when submitting your server for Verification, you need to ensure that a few of your config values in your Config_gameplay.txt are filled in correctly. A list of each Config Value you’ll need to edit is below:
Config Field | Description | Default Value |
server_name | Server name displayed in the server list. | My Server Name |
serverinfo_pastebin_id | Set pastebin id used for the info tab on the server browser. | 7wV681fT |
contact_email | Contact email address for the server owner or administration. | Note: this field must be manually added to the server config. |
max_players | Max amount of players that can be connected to the server at once. | 20 |
Setting a custom server name is very simple, but creating a name that is flashy using colours and styles is a bit more involved. SCP: SL uses Unity’s built-in Rich Text UI system for server names, meaning that you have a few options to work with. Only certain types of styling are available for Server Names, specifically the Color tags (use hex codes, not unity default color names), Italics, Bolding, Underlining, and Strikethrough. We highly recommend that you read the relevant documentation to learn this skill for yourself.
You can find the Unity Rich Text documentation here: *Unity Rich Text.*
To provide some examples specific to SCP: SL, let us imagine a fake server named Gingerbread’s Gaming Group. An example for how one might style the name is below.
<aside> 💡 <b><color=#ffa500ff>Gingerbread’s</color></b> <b><i><color=#ff0000ff>GAMING</color></i></b> <b>Group</b>